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7 Features That Have To Be Tested In An E-Commerce Website

August 8th, 2018
7 Features That Have To Be Tested In An E-Commerce Website

In this highly competitive era when every small to major business is focused on strengthening its presence online, e-commerce has undoubtedly become an inseparable part of a common man’s life. With everything available online, from daily needs, groceries to other luxury products, it is no doubt that the risk and threat to the available data is pretty high. Therefore, it is important to make sure that every ecommerce website is tried and tested on a regular basis before it is actually made available to the end user.

While there is no rocket-science involved in testing an e-commerce website, it definitely requires one to keep certain important things in mind. Read on to know some of these common factors that one must always focus on when testing an e-commerce website.
1. Hero Image
Hero image or hero banner is an oversized banner image available at the top of an ecommerce website. Since this image serves a number of purposes like displaying popular offers and discounts, new offers and collection, ensuring its optimum performance is extremely important. Some of the important things to test in this image are auto scroll feature, hovering, clickability, view on different browsers and screen resolutions, and image refreshing feature.
2. Search Bar
It is important to understand that you cannot always be 100 percent sure about what the end user might search in the search bar. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that this feature is able to deliver the performance as required. Before launching your ecommerce website or mobile application, make sure that the search bar is able to search data on the basis of product name, features, navigation, etc.
3. Product Details Page
This page plays an important role in determining the success of any ecommerce business. Before making a purchase from an ecommerce website, every individual visits the product details page to ensure that the product he/she is planning to order is at par to his/her requirements. Therefore, in order to ensure that his/her actions turn into sale, maintaining the optimum quality of the product details page is extremely important. Check whether the page correctly displays the information such as product images, price, reviews, delivery options, etc.
4. Shopping Cart
There are situations when a user spends a lot of time in selecting and adding the items to his/her cart. But, due to some circumstance, he/she is unable to make a purchase, hence, postponing the same to the next day. In such and similar other situations, a person expects that the cart would contain the items shortlisted by him/her whenever he/she visits the particular site again.

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Therefore, an ecommerce website admin needs to ensure that such requirements are fulfilled. Testing for this feature should be done for features like cart total, tax to be paid, items in the cart and many other steps that are completed before the final check-out.
5. Check-Out and Payments Option
For a successful e-commerce website and mobile application, it is important to ensure that its check-out and payments option is functioning properly. Double-check its functionality by testing the product on various grounds such as user sign up page, check out as a guest user, registration after the completion of payment, email/text messages sent as a confirmation for the order placed, etc.
6. Products And Categories
The products that are displayed to a returning and new user are different on an ecommerce website. While a returning customer is shown products based on his/her last purchase, a new user is made to browse through the entire website.
Since, products and categories are dynamic elements and may vary every day, it is not recommended to test every product individually. The best way to ensure an optimum performance of the website is by testing the algorithm for these sections. Testing the data mining/BI systems and the queries at the backend that populate these sections is important.
7. Order-Related Features
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An e-commerce website does not only involve the placement of orders but can also involve its cancellation, change or return. Therefore, testing the website for its functioning on these features and grounds is important to ensure a hassle-free experience to the end user.
Apart from these, e-commerce website is also tested for other features like login, FAQs, contact us page, customer service page, etc. It is also important to remember that automated testing is not possible for an e-commerce website as a number of its features are dynamic. Ensuring an optimum performance of an e-commerce website is extremely crucial as this can actually make or break the trust of the end user.

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